Marvel Heroes


Manhattan has always been the unofficial capital of the Marvel Universe. New York City's smallest borough, the Island of Manhattan is home to 1.6 million -including many of Marvel's finest! From Avengers Mansion, to the Sanctum Santorum, our heroes have laid roots in every neighborhood and village. Check out our favorite city-scape stories, as we pay homage to the sights that inspire.

Big Apple Battles

Madison Avenue

In Fantastic Four (2014) #1

The Fantastic Four call the Baxter Building home; located on the corner of 42nd and Madison Avenue, this 35-story office building has been outfitted as a base of operations. In the kick-off issue to their latest series, the Fantastic Four must save Midtown from dragon Fin Fang Foom. Or as the FF call it, Wednesday.

Fifth Avenue

In Avengers (1998) #10

The New York City Council hosts a Fifth Avenue parade for Earth's Mightiest, just up the lane from Avengers Mansion. Avengers Mansion, at 890 Fifth Avenue, was modeled on the Henry Clay Frick House according to co-creator Stan Lee. The inspiration for the Avengers' HQ houses the Frick Collection, and can be visited on 70th Street and Fifth Avenue!

Greenwich Village

In Point One (2011) #1

The Sanctum Santorum, mystical headquarters to Doctor Strange, is located in the heart of Greenwich Village; 177A Bleecker Street to be exact. Marvel creators Roy Thomas and Gary Friedrich once shared an apartment at this address, leading to its inclusion in the panels of Strange. Check out the Sorcerer Supreme in 'The Shaman of Greenwich Village' written by Matt Fraction.


In Ultimate Spider-Man (2000) #81

Ultimate Spidey heads way, way down to Chinatown for a Kung Fu team-up with Iron Fist! Crime lord Kingpin has let his influence in Chinatown slip, allowing a new crime boss to shake the status quo. Enter Hammerhead, a villain with connections in every borough.


In The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #139

Spider-Man's on the hunt...for an apartment! Peter Parker celebrates a Manhattan milestone when he settles on a too-small studio in Chelsea for $110 a month (ok, it was 1974). But before he can settle into his new digs, Spider-Man must thwart Grizzly's attack on Washington Square! Introducing the landlady no New Yorker wants, Mrs. Mamie Muggins.

Hell's Kitchen

In Shadowland (2010) #2

Named for its colorful history, Hell's Kitchen has seen its fair share of change. An embittered Daredevil builds a fortress called Shadowland in the heart of the 'hood. Once the sworn protector of Hell's Kitchen, has Daredevil gone rogue? Marvel's street-level heroes hold a turf war for Manhattan in Shadowland, the five-part Pulp Noir event!

Battle for Midtown

In World War Hulk (2007) #1

The Hulk returns to Earth after being banished to space. And boy, is Hulk angry. The world watches as Marvel's not-so-jolly giant lays waste over Times Square. The Avengers assemble, and Manhattan is evacuated.

New York Strong

In Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #36

Marvel pays tribute to the victims of 9/11 with this special memoriam. Just as New York stood united in the face of tragedy, so too did the Marvel Universe. Celebrating the brave men and women of the New York Police and Fire Department, whose selflessness and courage remind us that super heroes do exist.

Mayor Bloomberg Meets Marvel

In Spider-Man: You're Hired! (2011) #1

Perpetually broke Peter Parker needs a job, and thanks to Mayor Bloomberg, Spider-Man's hired! Spidey joins forces with the "Metro Card Mayor" to teach New Yorkers about Workforce1, a state-funded employment hub that provides job hunting services. Plus, lessons in subway etiquette!

A Thor in Central Park

In Secret Invasion (2008) #8

The alien Skrull's takeover of Earth reaches a climactic head in Central Park. West Side or East Side, you ask? Both! Earth's Heroes pack punches that leaves Manhattan reeling. Secret Invasion ends here!

Spider Skips the Subway

In Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #601

Peter Parker is a man about Manhattan in this tale of two boroughs! Spidey skips the F train to Queens, preferring web-slinging over commuter traffic. Back on the mainland, Spider-Man douses a fire at the Empire State Building, while scrambling to meet MJ at Grand Central. Plus, an impromptu meeting with Jessica Jones in Brooklyn. Phew!