

Enter the ring with Hornhead! With the spirit of his boxer father Battlin’ Jack Murdock inside him, DD is near impossible to K.O. – here are the villains and anti-heroes who nearly succeeded.


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In Daredevil (1964) #228

The Crimelord of Hell’s Kitchen uproots Daredevil’s life- by ruining Matt Murdock’s. A down-but-not-yet-out Daredevil takes the fight directly to Kingpin. Written by Frank Miller and gorgeously drawn by David Mazzucchelli.


In Daredevil (1998) #97

Melvin Potter is Gladiator, a former costume designer turned frequent foe of Daredevil. Gladiator retaliates against Matt Murdock for his legal ‘counsel’…in the most brutal of ways.


In Daredevil (1964) #132

As Daredevil’s most maniacal foe, Bullseye’s proven difficult to defeat. Check out this classic showdown between DD and the villain who never misses!


In Daredevil (1964) #8

One of Daredevil’s first enemies, and by far one of his strangest. Criminal Wilbur Day straps on a pair of hydraulic legs…and engages in a sky-scraping battle with Daredevil!

The Punisher

In Daredevil Vs. Punisher (2005) #1

When Wilson Fisk is deposed as the Kingpin of crime, New York’s underground falls into chaos. The Punisher and Daredevil scramble to restore order - and come into conflict over their opposing definitions of ‘justice’.


In Daredevil (1964) #179

Cold-blooded Elektra will stop at nothing to fell the man she once loved. Writer Frank Miller pits former lover against each other in this pulse-pounding read.

The Hand

In Daredevil (1964) #189

They don’t come as quiet, or as deadly, as The Hand. This occult ninja clan has ancient ties to mystic powers - and has often used them in battle against DD!

The United States Legal System

In Daredevil (1998) #81

One of Matt Murdock’s most profound legal battles…and he’s the one accused. The Kingpin has swayed public opinion against Daredevil by outing the man behind the mask. Now, Murdock must win the Defense- or face a heavy sentence behind bars.

Typhoid Mary

In Daredevil (1964) #260

Typhoid Mary is indeed contrary given that the villainess has three distinct personalities. Typhoid assembles a rogues’ gallery of villains to eliminate Daredevil- and it’s a psychotic battle to the finish.


In Daredevil (1998) #11

Matt’s blossoming romance with Maya Lopez becomes a deadly match against Echo. Echo’s seeking vengeance for her father’s death. But is Daredevil the man responsible?