Incredible Hercules (2008) #123

Incredible Hercules (2008) #123

Incredible Hercules (2008) #123

  • Published

    November 26, 2008

"LOVE & WAR (Part 3)"
We know you've all been there, guys. We know it stinks. Your best bud gets a new girlfriend, and suddenly you never see him any more. And when you're Hercules, your BFF is Amadeus Cho, and his new girlfriend is a psychopathic Amazonian princess who wants to destroy the world as we know it with an ancient Atlantean artifact... Well. That really stinks. Guest-Starring Namor the Sub-Mariner!
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  • Rating:RATED T+
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960604745112311
  • Page Count:24

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