Daredevil Noir (2009) #4 (Calero Variant)

Daredevil Noir (2009) #4 (Calero Variant)

Daredevil Noir (2009) #4 (Calero Variant)

  • Published

    July 01, 2009

"LIAR'S POKER, PART 4" Daredevil blazes a bloody trail through Orville Halloran's henchmen, setting up a deadly waterfront collision with the Bull's Eye Killer that reveals a new player at the table in this deadly game of Liar's Poker. Who's bluffing and who holds the winning hand? Murdock's about to find out that it's not a man's friends, but his enemies that sometimes know him best. Parental Advisory ...$3.99

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  • Format:Comic

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