Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth (2009) #7

Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth (2009) #7

Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth (2009) #7

  • Published

    January 20, 2010

"ARE YOU THERE, DEADPOOL? IT'S ME DEADPOOL." Special double-sized issue with art by ROB LIEFELD, KYLE BAKER, DAS PASTORAS and regular series artist BONG DAZO. What do you do with a homesick zombie head? Take it back to the zombie universe, of course! Hopping through an interdimensional portal in the Florida swamp with Headpool tucked under his arm, Deadpool soon finds himself bouncing through a series of outlandish alternate realities, each more warped than the last. Wade Wilson, say hello to Major Deadpool, the Deadpool Kid and - va-va-voom - Lady Deadpool. 40 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$3.99

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