Avengers Academy (2010) #8

Avengers Academy (2010) #8

Avengers Academy (2010) #8

  • Published

    January 19, 2011

Avengers Academy vs. The Hood! The video of Tigra being beaten by The Hood ends up on the internet -- but what's more dangerous: how Tigra reacts, or the mission of revenge the students embark upon? And when they seek out Parker Robbins, are they getting in way over their heads...or going so far down the path of evil they can never turn back? And how does it all lead to The Hood's new quest in AVENGERS? Don't miss this powerful chapter in the hit new series that has Aint It Cool News raving: "With this simple yet elegant twist...it's nice to see that teenage angst isn't just for mutants anymore."

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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960607016-00811
  • FOC Date:January 06, 2011
  • Price:$1.99
  • Page Count:30


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