Star Wars (1998) #31

Star Wars (1998) #31

Star Wars (1998) #31

  • Published

    June 27, 2001

On a dangerous jungle planet, the Dark Woman is shot and wounded while Aurra Sing seeks to kill her next mark, the corrupt senator, Tikkes. The three Jedi who stand in her way, Adi Gallia, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and A'Sharad Hett, attempt to defend the remnants of the senator's suspicious Quarren expedition, rescue the Dark Woman, and bring Aurra Sing to justice before she carries out another assassination! Sing is pleased with this chance to add to her lightsaber collection while completing another deadly job! When confronted by Sing, will A'Sharad Hett succumb to his darkest desires and ultimately seek vengeance for the murder of his father? Will three Jedi be enough to take down this heartless warrior?

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  • Format:Comic
  • Page Count:24


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