Starting in April by Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman from Marvel Comics!
Official Theme Song

The War of the Realms Logo


The dark elf Malekith wages a war that has spread from one otherworldly realm to the next, setting them all ablaze, and now it's time for that war to finally explode into the last realm standing: ours. All the worst monsters from the Ten Realms come pouring in over the globe, and it will take the biggest heroes in the Marvel Universe to stop them from conquering Earth – and the whole realm! Jason Aaron has been building to this for the last six years in his Thor comic book and the ramifications will have a lasting effect on the Marvel Universe for years to come!

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Essential Reading
War of the Realms
Asgard. Alfheim. Heven. Jotunheim. Muspelheim. Niffleheim. Nidavellir. Svartalfheim. Vanaheim. All Ten Realms have fallen to Dark Elf Malekith and his army, except one: Midgard. Home to Thor's beloved humans. Home to heroes and gods alike. All Hel breaks loose in a siege on Earth as Malekith and his allies begin their invasion – and our greatest heroes begin their ferocious defense!

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