Thunderbolts: Violent Rejection (Trade Paperback)

Thunderbolts: Violent Rejection (Trade Paperback)

Thunderbolts: Violent Rejection (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    July 20, 2011

At the request of Steve Rogers, Luke Cage must lead his hardened team into battle to deal with a doomsday scenario unleashed in the pages of HULK! With the squad a man short, Cage recruits another prisoner to duty - and his pick will shock you! Will the Thunderbolts accept this new member, or will this heavy-duty wildcard tip the balance of power? Plus: An old friend breaks the Man-Thing out of the Raft to return to duty at the borders of our world. What danger awaits the Man-Thing, and what will the Thunderbolts say to losing their favorite plant? Then, the Raft is full of action as candidates vie for selection for the second squad of Thunderbolts! Out of the Marvel Universe's vast pool of powerhouse criminals, who will make the cut? Many are called, but few are chosen! Collecting THUNDERBOLTS #152-157.

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  • Format:Trade Paperback
  • UPC:5960615221-00111
  • FOC Date:July 06, 2011
  • Page Count:136

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More Thunderbolts: Violent Rejection (2010 - Present)

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