Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith (2007) #4

Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith (2007) #4

Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith (2007) #4

  • Published

    October 24, 2007

Wraith and Ronan -- the collision course ends here! Okay, Annihilation fans, if an appearance of the Accuser isn't enough for you, how about the Super-Skrull? What, you thought the Avengers cornered the market on the Skrulls? Also, which ANNIHILATION character is pulling the strings of Marvel's gothic gunslinger? Find out in this creepy conclusion that takes you right into ANNIHILATION: CONQUEST #1!
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99

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  • Rating:T+
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960606172300411
  • Price:$1.99
  • Page Count:23


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