WHAT IF? FALLEN SON 1 (2008) #1

WHAT IF? FALLEN SON 1 (2008) #1

WHAT IF? FALLEN SON 1 (2008) #1

  • Published

    December 10, 2008

Every man, woman and child in the Marvel Universe remembers where they were the day that Captain America died. But what if the event that forever changed the heart of heroics had never actually happened? And what if the hero that helped define the post-Civil War era had fallen in Cap's place? Join us for a tale of death, mourning and rebirth as we ask the question on everyone's mind: "What if Iron Man had died instead of Captain America?" Featuring Part 2 of a special five part back-up story, 'What if the Runaways Became the Young Avengers?' In this issue... Iron Lad stands revealed!

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  • Rating:RATED T+
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960606453300111
  • Page Count:30

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More WHAT IF? FALLEN SON 1 (2008 - Present)