Star Wars: Rebellion (2006) #12

Star Wars: Rebellion (2006) #12

Star Wars: Rebellion (2006) #12

  • Published

    March 12, 2008

With the Rebel'flagship'lost deep inside'Imperial'space,'Admiral'Ackbar must decide whether to risk the Alliance fleet on a seemingly impossible rescue, or leave'Luke Skywalker'and Princess'Leia'to fend for themselves. Meanwhile, Luke and Leia have undertaken a seemingly impossible mission of their own with disastrous results. Captured by a corrupt officer on a vital Imperial installation, Luke and Leia have one last chance for their mission and their lives- Deena Shan. Insecure and indecisive, Deena never thought she had much to offer the Rebellion. Now, with the fate of the Alliance in her hands, she hopes she was wrong! A Rebel mission gone wrong!

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  • Format:Comic
  • Page Count:24


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  • Not Available