Culture & Lifestyle
Published August 15, 2022

‘Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem’ Brings Jeffrey Brown’s Signature Style to the Marvel Universe

Eisner Award winner Jeffrey Brown takes Thor Odinson and his family on a vacation to Midgard in ‘Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem.’

Next April, Eisner Award-winning author Jeffrey Brown will send Thor Odinson on a family vacation in his upcoming children’s book Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem

This playful reimagining of the Marvel Universe finds Thor’s parents Odin and Frigga taking their children – including the mischievous Loki – to their favorite realm: Midgard, AKA Earth. There, they will encounter all the wonders Midgard has to offer, as well as a few recognizable faces (don’t miss little Iron Man in the preview below). Plus, they’ll have to contend with familiar problems like bedtimes, playground games, and picky eaters.

‘Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem’ cover by Jeffrey Brown
‘Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem’ cover by Jeffrey Brown

“THOR was always one of my go-to comics to pick up at the comic shop, and I even had the little Thor Hot Wheels van,” Brown said. “I covered plenty of paper with doodles of his iconic winged helmet and hammer. Getting to dive in and do my own take on Thor and the other Asgardians was an absolute treat, especially Loki, who's so much fun. I was one of three brothers growing up, so I loved having the opportunity to write about all the sibling mischief that kids get into!”

Don’t miss Darth Vader and Son creator Jeffrey Brown’s new Marvel Universe adventure when Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem goes on sale April 18, 2023 from Chronicle Books!

Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem by Jeffrey Brown goes on sale April 18, 2023 from Chronicle Books.

Want to stay on top of everything in the Marvel Universe? Follow Marvel on social media—TwitterFacebook, and Instagram—and keep watching for more news! 

Take a Look Inside 'Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem' Below!

'Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem' cover by Jeffrey Brown
'Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem' artwork by Jeffrey Brown
'Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem' artwork by Jeffrey Brown
'Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem' artwork by Jeffrey Brown



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