As an ambitious and high-ranking member of the ninja cult known as the Hand, Bakuto was a hardliner that wanted the group to seize control of the entire world. In pursuit of his goals, he defied his fellow commanders to become the Hand’s supreme leader.
Trouble Maker
Bakuto ascended to his position as the Hand’s daimyo, or regional warlord, of South America after murdering his predecessor, Izanagi, who had also been his sensei and friend—though Bakuto publicly denied having anything to do with his master’s death. As one of five daimyo, Bakuto went to Japan for a summit meeting with his fellow warlords organized by the Hand’s newest Shōgun (supreme leader), Matt Murdock AKA Daredevil, who was hoping to bring unity to the group. Bakuto challenged and insulted Murdock and questioned the other daimyos’ judgment in selecting the American Super Hero as their new chief. He was quickly viewed as a problem that needed to be addressed.