Franklin “Foggy” Nelson befriends Matt Murdock in law school and the pair become compatriots. Often working together at their firm, Nelson also helps Murdock with his Daredevil identity.
From Student to Sidekick
Foggy has compassion for the underdogs, though he grows up with a ruthless mother Rosalind “Razor” Sharpe, who leaves Foggy’s father to focus on her law career. As a result, he is raised by his father and stepmother. Despite the fact that he is abjectly neglected by his biological mother, Foggy becomes fascinated with the legal profession and is eventually accepted into a pre-law program at Columbia University in New York City.
While at Columbia, Foggy is bullied mercilessly, even by guys in his own fraternity, like Roger “Porkchop” Peterson. Luckily, he receives protection from fellow law student and future best friend (and Daredevil) Matthew Murdock. When Matt begins dating Elektra Natchios, Foggy does not approve. He believes her to be dangerous, which, in the end, turns out to be very true.
The two later attend Harvard Law, where they take their bar exams. While there, Foggy exposes one of his instructors, Professor Golde, for committing plagiarism. He brings down Golde, even when the teacher threatens to tamper with his bar results.
While dealing with this dilemma, Foggy witnesses Wilson Fisk, AKA Kingpin, mercilessly beat up the criminal Victor Krueller, AKA Kruel. To keep the witnesses from squealing to the authorities, Fisk has Nelson drugged so he would not remember what he saw. Nevertheless, the incident sticks in the back of the lawyer’s subconscious, motivating him to pursue justice, no matter the cost. Where his fondness for bow ties originates from is anyone’s guess.
Dastardly Disputants
Foggy’s biggest foes are the ones he sees in the courtroom, namely other lawyers working against him. One of his earliest enemies, although he’d soon forget it, is Wilson Fisk, who has drugged him after Foggy witnesses the beating of Kruel. Not knowing it, Fisk creates a highly-motivated crusader for justice that day as the incident remains in Nelson’s subconscious, driving his career as a lawyer from that point on.
Zebediah Killgrave, AKA Purple Man, seeks to use the legal services of Foggy and Matt, but only incurs their wrath when he kidnaps Karen Page. Other villains who become adversaries of Foggy are Melvin Potter, AKA Gladiator, Leland Owlsley, Jonathan Powers, AKA Jester, and a time-traveling android known as Mr. Kline.
Trustworthy Teammates
Foggy’s biggest ally is, of course, his best friend, Matt Murdock. Despite going their separate ways a few times over the years, the two remain close chums since their first meeting in law school.
With Murdock as his friend, Foggy also gains Daredevil as a protector. Karen Page is another person on whom Foggy can rely, despite her not reciprocating his romantic feelings towards her. They can usually trust one another when the going gets tough. When Foggy shares a firm with Matt at Nelson & Murdock, Nelson also represents a number of super-powered clientele, like the Fantastic Four, who become his friends and allies.