Supreme Intelligence

A multiplicity of Kree geniuses, the Supreme Intelligence is one vast, calculating computer mind that seeks to rule the Kree warrior race with a strategic ruthlessness.



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fighting skills



The Supreme Intelligence is an awesome sentient entity composed of the greatest minds of the Kree race’s limitless past. Using all his knowledge and super-genius intellect, he manipulates all, Kree or not, to carry out his grand designs and create a new, more superior race of Kree.



A longtime ruler of the interstellar Kree Empire, the Supreme Intelligence was created in Kree year 4538 (roughly 100,000 Earth years ago) by the Kree Science Council to aid in creating a Cosmic Cube like the one developed by the Skrulls centuries before; however, when the Intelligence became fully functional it refused, realizing how dangerous Cubes were for their wielders. The Intelligence served the Science Council as an advisor until it gained enough political power to be elected absolute ruler of the Kree Empire in Kree year 4791. 

Early in its history, the Intelligence began downloading Kree minds into its collective. Officially it downloaded only the best Blue Kree statesmen, philosophers, warriors and scientists, each of whom were elected for the honor of being downloaded into the Intelligence when they died. Unofficially it downloaded many others into its collective mind as well, including enemies whom the Intelligence absorbed to learn the extent of their plots against it.


All-Powerful Telepathic Mind

The Kree Supreme Intelligence is a complicated organic computer usually housed in a 5000 cubic foot area in Kree-Lar city on Hala. Its tank, approximately 40’ x 60’ x 40’ and weighing over 3000 tons, contains an amorphous green head—usually adorned with 20 1’ thick, 20’ long tentacles—made from an unrevealed substance suspended in liquid. This head is its main public face and houses the Intelligence’s main consciousness. If the head is damaged it can render the entire computer complex inert until it repairs itself. The Intelligence has display screens set up throughout the Kree Empire to interact with its aides and officials.

Its full might unknown, the Supreme Intelligence can telepathically communicate with and manipulate the minds of others across galaxies. Its technology can teleport others across interstellar distances. If necessary, the Intelligence can transfer its mind into other machines, and can rebuild its body in another location. The Supremor androids (at least three exist) are masters of physical combat, can lift at least 10 tons, and have a mass intensifier beam that can geometrically increase its target’s weight; their full powers are unrevealed.


Enemies of the Rightful Ruler

When the Fantastic Four defeat a Kree Sentry 459 on Earth, the Supreme Intelligence sends Ronan to punish them but Ronan the Accuser fails in his attempt.

When the Avengers are manipulated by the Supreme Intelligence and drawn into the Kree-Shi’ar war, which led to the decimation of the Kree race, a faction of Avengers had it executed it for genocide. Though other Avengers disagreed with the action.

Ronan the Accuser goes between enemy and ally with the Supreme Intelligence, having been a loyal soldier, following its orders to overthrow it. Though the Supreme Intelligence comes to realize much later that Ronan is the only one worthy of ruling the Kree.


Allies and Pawns

Since the Supreme Intelligence is made up of the most impressive Kree minds across an untold millennia, the Kree themselves are its allies, but more so its pawns. It uses the Kree to its own ends, manipulating their choices and events, and extending its manipulations across the galaxy to the Shi’ar, the Skrulls, and the Heroes of Earth.

Starforce is a group of elite Kree warriors assembled by the Supreme Intelligence to carry out his grand designs for a new superior Kree race, jumpstarting their evolution. The team includes the Supreme Intelligence’s android modeled after itself which is made for combat, Supremor, the Eternal Kree Ultimus, the techno-warrior Shatterax, Minn-Erva, AKA Doctor Minerva, Att-Lass, AKA Captain Atlas, and later, Ronan the Accuser.

Mar-Vell, AKA Captain Marvel, and his counterpart Rick Jones start off as allies to the Supreme Intelligence, but it later reveals that it meddled in their lives to gain access to human knowledge and genetics by way of Jones, ultimately using Mar-Vell to get to Jones.

The Shi’ar and Skrulls, alien races nearest to the Kree, are ancient rivals of the Kree, but are pawns of the Supreme Intelligence. He uses his cosmic telepathy to reach across the stars and plant ideas into the Shi’ar consciousness, and intensified long-suppressed suspicions and hatreds that lay dormant in the minds of the Kree and Shi’ar leaders, engineering the war between their peoples. He also plants Skrulls on the Shi’ar Council to ensure that his Kree evolution plans succeed. Furthermore, he uses Cal’syee Neramani, AKA Deathbird, sister to the Shi’ar Empress Lilandra Neramani, as his assassin to fuel additional conflict.


A Ruler’s Record

Over the next several millennia, the Intelligence became concerned with the genetic advancement of the Kree race. To this end it encouraged interbreeding of Blue Kree with other races, enlarging the numbers of hybrid Pink, AKA White, Kree in the hopes of revitalizing the Kree. It also allowed experiments on other races, creating, among others, Earth’s Inhumans, to see if the results of those experiments were applicable to the Kree. It secretly made a pact with the Skrull Cosmic Cube, now the Shaper of Worlds, to notify the Shaper of any planets whose technology had advanced far enough to create a Cube, so the Shaper could prevent those infant Cubes from turning destructive. 

When members of an exiled pacifist Kree sect (the future Priests of Pama) returned with tales of defeating the fantastical destructive Vorm known as Star-Stalker (Varan), the Intelligence allowed the sect to settle its members on each Kree world (with four members left on Hala) as a defense against the ionic creature in case it really existed. The Intelligence also created androids patterned after itself, Supremors, which contained the best of its downloaded warrior minds; though the Intelligence controlled them, they had free will when the Intelligence wished it.

In recent years the Supreme Intelligence sent Grand Admiral Devros to the Absolom Sector, supposedly for the sole purpose of creating Brood-Kree hybrids. When Earth’s Fantastic Four defeated a Kree Sentry, Sentry 459, the Intelligence telepathically informed them of their impending deaths at the hands of Ronan the Accuser. When the Four drove off the Accuser, the Intelligence refused to allow Ronan to destroy Earth in retaliation. 

Ronan plotted with Imperial Minister Zarek to overthrow the Intelligence through a scandal involving a popular Pink military hero turned traitor. Aware of their schemes, the Intelligence decided to use them to further certain plans of its own. Wanting to absorb human psionic potential and needing a Kree mind as filter for the human mind, the Intelligence found the perfect candidate: Pink military hero Captain Mar-Vell. The Intelligence telepathically made Zarek and Ronan aware of a love triangle involving Mar-Vell, his lover medic Una, and Colonel Yon-Rogg, who wanted Una by any means necessary. Enacting their plan, Zarek and Ronan assigned the trio to the Helion ship sent to study Earth for possible conquest. Yon-Rogg’s attempts to eliminate his romantic rival, Ronan’s orders and exposure to Earth’s people all combined to make young Mar-Vell turn renegade, as planned. 

Zarek, disguised as enigmatic entity Zo, gave Mar-Vell enhanced powers, then directed Mar-Vell to the Empire’s capital planet, where Ronan accused him of creating a magnetic generator capable of destroying the world. The Intelligence then teleported the pair to the Hall of Judgment, where it revealed its knowledge of the conspiracy, took Ronan and Zarek prisoner and cleared Mar-Vell of all charges. On Mar-Vell’s way back to Earth, the Intelligence caused him to be trapped in the Negative Zone, then secretly enabled Mar-Vell to contact Avengers sidekick Rick Jones telepathically, leading him to a pair of Nega-Bands that allowed the two to switch places when needed. Wearing the Bands placed the two in telepathic contact, giving the Intelligence its desired psychic link to a human.

Ronan escaped and imprisoned the Supreme Intelligence, intending to harness the Intelligence’s intellect for his own goals. While Ronan was busy trying to devolve Earth, the Intelligence influenced events to bring the Avengers into the latest skirmish in the perennial Kree-Skrull War, and caused a Kree soldier to bring Jones to Hala, where he was imprisoned alongside the Intelligence. There, the Intelligence triggered Jones’ latent Destiny Force powers, halting the war by freezing every Kree and Skrull soldier in place, but almost killing Jones in the process. To save him, the Intelligence merged Mar-Vell’s life force with that of Jones, binding the two men closer than before, as the Intelligence planned.

The Intelligence subsequently used the plans of Zarek’s Lunatic Legion to its own ends. When Mar-Vell was knocked out by nerve gas Compound 13 in battle with Legion agent Robert Hunter, aka Nitro, the Intelligence prodded Jones to take control of the unconscious Mar-Vell’s body and save it from Annihilus. After a recovered Mar-Vell defeated the Legion, the Intelligence formed an alliance with the Legion, promising Mar-Vell’s defeat. Mar-Vell and Jones tried to warn the Supreme Intelligence of the Legion’s rebellious schemes, but the Intelligence allowed the Legion to attack Mar-Vell as a test of his skills. Once Mar-Vell had defeated them, the Intelligence revealed most of its meddling in Mar-Vell’s life to that point, and stated its goal of absorbing Jones’ mind into its mental collective. Angered, Mar-Vell attacked, but the Intelligence mentally split Mar-Vell and Jones apart, leaving each with one Nega-Band. The Intelligence then mind-controlled Ronan into attacking the duo, forcing them to learn how to access their combined power while in two separate bodies. 

Next, it teleported Mar-Vell and Jones to the Empire’s borders for a series of adventures designed to wear down the barriers between their minds, so it could use the rare Millennia Bloom flower to reshape their minds and bodies into a ruthless, loyal ultimate weapon; however, Mar-Vell had Jones cause an immense solar flare which threatened Hala, forcing the Intelligence to divert all power to the planet’s shields to save its citizens and itself. The incapacitated Intelligence’s assistant Bun-Dall took over running the Empire until it repaired itself. Secretly reviving, the Supreme Intelligence learned of Carol Danvers, AKA Ms. Marvel's hybrid Kree-Human nature and realized she was perfect for its plans. It ordered Ronan to bring her to Hala; during her journey the Intelligence exposed her to the Millennia Bloom to eliminate her human personality, but the Bloom integrated it with her artificial Kree personality instead, and she escaped.

The Intelligence eventually began officially downloading Pink minds to refresh its intellect, using the Infinity Mind Gem to keep the two races’ fighting from driving him mad; however, when it tried to absorb the Silver Surfer’s mind, the Surfer stole the Gem, driving the Intelligence insane. Its chief coordinator, Nenora, imprisoned the Intelligence and ruled the Empire in its place until she was exposed as a Skrull spy. 

Again recovering in secret, the Supreme Intelligence decided that a Nega-Bomb’s radiation was the trigger needed to jumpstart Kree evolution. To this end it manipulated the Shi’ar rulers into creating the bomb, and manipulated the Skrulls into transporting it into the Kree Empire’s heart. The resulting explosion allegedly killed 98% of the Kree Empire’s population. 

A small band of rogue Avengers (drawn into the conflict when it threatened their world) destroyed the Intelligence in revenge; none of them noticed a small capsule launched from the chamber after the killing blow was struck. The capsule, containing the Intelligence’s mind, eventually came to Earth, where it could study humans in depth while the surviving Kree adapted to their new status quo. Discovered by Kree Admiral Galen-Kor’s troops, the Intelligence was brought to the moon, where Kor’s group rechristened themselves the Lunatic Legion and swore allegiance to the Intelligence. Initially finding the new Legion useful, when the Intelligence realized they were bent on destroying the Avengers and mutating Earth’s population into neo-Kree forms, it betrayed them to the Avengers and secretly ensured the Legion’s defeat.

Later, the Avengers brought a paralyzed Rick Jones to the Intelligence to see if it could somehow heal him; the two were instead drawn into the so-called Destiny War, where Jones was forced to use his latent powers to draw several Avengers from various time periods to defend himself from Immortus’ legions. Afterwards, the Intelligence gained temporary possession of the time-altering Forever Crystal, and used its powers to hyper-evolve many Kree into what they would have become centuries later. Posing as the “Ruul” race, these new Kree retook much of their old empire and rescued the Intelligence from the moon before the ruse was discovered. The Supreme Intelligence began advancing all remaining “normal” Kree into Ruul forms.

After the Intelligence gained a radiation sample from a Negative Zone star that mysteriously began living its life backwards, the new rulers of Hala, Fiyero House, disposed of the Supreme Intelligence and lobotomized it to prevent its interfering with their rule of the Empire. When an exiled Ronan returned to Hala and executed House Fiyero for their crimes, the Intelligence’s aides showed him its mindless body and requested a mercy killing for it, which Ronan reluctantly performed; however, the invading techno-organic Phalanx race phased the Kree’s galaxy out of sync with the rest of the universe, enslaved Ronan and stole the Intelligence’s body, intending to use its reactivated abilities to order the Kree to join the Phalanx. 

Trapped in a state between life and death, the Intelligence covertly sent Phyla-Vell, AKA Quasar, to find Adam Warlock, and summoned the ghost of exiled scientist Sim-Del to contact his lost son Zak-Del, who years earlier was transformed by the parasitic soul-eating Exolon into a Nameless Kree. The two brought Zak, now called the Wraith, to the flagship holding the Intelligence’s body, and convinced Wraith to unleash his Exolon swarm and absorb the Intelligence’s soul into his own body. 

Freed from the Phalanx’s machines, the Intelligence used the Exolon’s fear-generating powers to kill all Phalanx it could find, sparing only Ronan, believing he was the only one capable of successfully leading the Kree against the remaining Phalanx. Though now thought dead by the Kree, the Intelligence apparently lives on inside Wraith, influencing events to help drive out the Phalanx.


Supreme Intelligence: 25' (variable), Supremor: 8'


Supreme Intelligence: 272 tons (variable), Supremor: 741 lbs.


(Both) Light yellow (no visible iris)


(Both) Green

Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers, Group Affiliation
  • Universe

  • Other Aliases

  • Education

  • Place of Origin

  • Identity

  • Known Relatives

  • Powers

  • Group Affiliation