ULTIMATE X-MEN VOL. 4 HC (Trade Paperback)

ULTIMATE X-MEN VOL. 4 HC (Trade Paperback)

ULTIMATE X-MEN VOL. 4 HC (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    April 01, 2005

Collects Ultimate X-Men #34-45. In BLOCKBUSTER, Wolverine returns to New York after a short time away from the X-Men - with a strange strike force armed with sophisticated military technology on his tail. To survive, he's forced to rely on the Big Apple's own Spider-Man and Daredevil - not to mention a little help from his fellow X-Men! In NEW MUTANTS, the President of the United States decides in the face of growing racism and paranoia between man and mutant that Professor X - with his mysterious psychic powers and shrouded background - might be the bigger problem. The President's solution: get the U.S. Government involved in the mutant-training business. With the help of Emma Frost, the President handpicks a class of "New Mutants" to serve his political agenda - including Dazzler, Karma, Havok and Polaris. But who is this mysterious Emma Frost and what is her connection to Xavier?

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  • Format:Trade Paperback
  • UPC:75960611251700111
  • Page Count:235


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