Spider-Man: With Great Power... (2008) #1

Spider-Man: With Great Power... (2008) #1

Spider-Man: With Great Power... (2008) #1

  • Published

    January 30, 2008

After the spider-bite...before the great responsibility! Meet Peter Parker, "Midtown High's only professional wallflower," a hapless young nerd suddenly gifted with great power...no strings attached! Happy at home with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, but plagued by the bullies and mean girls of high school, see what Peter does when the bite of a radioactive spider gives him the strength to take the things he wants. Fame? Money? Fast cars? Girls? This dweeb's up to his pencilneck in 'em! Surely things can't suddenly be this easy... It's a side of Spider-Man's early life you've barely glimpsed, written by David Lapham (Stray Bullets TERROR, INC.) with art by Tony Harris (Ex Machina)!
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  • Rating:T+
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960605814300111
  • Page Count:24


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