Spider-Man: With Great Power... (2008) #2

Spider-Man: With Great Power... (2008) #2

Spider-Man: With Great Power... (2008) #2

  • Published

    February 27, 2008

As Stan Lee wrote in the pages of AMAZING FANTASY #15 "Now anybody with the intelligence of a seven year old knows that if a man appeared on TV who seemed to be more spider than human, he'd be an overnight sensation!" For the first time, we peel back the curtain to see what Peter Parker's life was like after the bite but before the tragic death of his Uncle Ben. Professional wrestling, cars, girls, fame, money...ladies and gentlemen, meet Peter Parker, the wallflower bitten by a radioactive spider and given great power!
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  • Rating:T+
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960605814300211
  • Page Count:24


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