Giant-Size Spider-Man (2014) #1

Giant-Size Spider-Man (2014) #1

Giant-Size Spider-Man (2014) #1

  • Published

    May 28, 2014

Young Peter Parker is the high school bullies' favorite target. But all that changes the day a science experiment goes wrong, and Peter begins to transform! When a personal tragedy teaches Peter a harsh lesson in responsibility, he must find the inner strength to become a hero! Can the brand-new Spider-Man master his new powers in time to take on the villainous Vulture? When a giant robot spider attacks New York, Spider-Man must prove his innocence by tracking down the scientist responsible: the diabolical Dr. Octopus! When the sinister Sandman assaults Midtown High, it's up to Peter to stop him--even if must risk revealing his secret identity! Four titanic tales set in Spider-Man's past!

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  • Rating:ALL AGES
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960608086100111
  • FOC Date:May 14, 2014
  • Price:$4.99
  • Page Count:62

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