Marvel Legacy: The 1980s (2006) #3

Marvel Legacy: The 1980s (2006) #3

Marvel Legacy: The 1980s (2006) #3

  • Published

    November 08, 2006

From the Venerable Vaults of Marveldom, it's the Mighty Marvel Handbook - 1980's style! Just what is the 1980s Handbook, you ask? Imagine a Handbook written at 11:59 PM Dec. 31, 1989. The profiles within cover everything published by the hallowed House of Ideas up until that point. So if it's from a comic that has a December 1989 cover date or earlier, you'll find it in this magnificent mag! Featuring 1980s takes on the Avengers, Captain Marvel, the Defenders, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Thor and Wolverine - plus U.S. Archer, Captain Hero, the Crossroads, Crystar, DP7, Fusion, Hercules of the 24th century, Lady Daemon, Lunatik, Necromon, Nightmask, Nuke, Rocket Raccoon, Spaceknights, Spider-Ham, Micah Synn, Zaniac and more!

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  • Rating:T+
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960605850100311
  • Page Count:68


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