March 19's New Marvel Comics: The Full ListBehold the mercy of Doctor Doom, join the X-Men's pursuit of Professor X, kick off year two of 'Ultimate X-Men,' and more in this week's comics!
February 26's New Marvel Comics: The Full ListRevolt with Red Hulk, face Kraven with Ultimate Spider-Man, celebrate the Women of Marvel, and more in this week's comics!
January 22's New Marvel Comics: The Full ListFace Thanos with Phoenix, play Kraven's most dangerous game with Ultimate Spider-Man, join Doctor Doom and Rocket Raccoon's latest scheme, and more in this week's comics!
December 18's New Marvel Comics: The Full ListJoin the TVA's new ragtag group of variants, celebrate the holidays with Ultimate Spider-Man and Alligator Loki, and more in this week's comics!